Senin, 21 Juni 2010

Kamus Gaul

Abon ayam :shredded chicken
Abon sapi :shredded beef
Ada saja :there is always a way to solve the problem
Ada-ada saja :to expect the unexpected: there is always something new happening, no kidding, it is to be expected of you
Ada-ada saja, kamu :only you would do such a thing, that’s just that’s just like you!
Aduh, amit-amit :God forbid!
Ah bising, sana pergi! :go jump in a lake
Ah, lagian kamu sich :because of you, look what happened
Ah, mo tau aja lu :you ask too much
Aih nyang bener :get outta here
Akal-akalan saja :to do tricks, it is a scam
Aman :safe
Ambil langkah seribu :to run away from responsibility
Angin-anginan :moody, temperamental
Angon sapi :a cow herder, a cowboy
Antri :to queue up, to stand in line
Apa boleh buat,nasi sudah
menjadi bubur :it is too late, there is nothing we can do now
Apa boleh buat, nasi telah
menjadi bubur :it is too late, the rice has turned into porridge, there is nothing we can do about it
Apa kabar :slang: what's up? Whazzup?
Apa yang akan terjadi, terjadilah
kita akan siap mengadapinya :come what may
Apapun nanti hasilnya :whatever the results might be
Arisan :money pool (only for Indonesians)
Bagai pinang dibelah dua :an exact likeness, a spitting image
Bagaimana menyatakan rasa cinta :I care a lot about you; I have fallen for you; I have feelings for you; You are the one …
Bagus, hebat, jempo :neato!
Belagu amat sih lu! :you talk too much
Belepotan :to be smeared
Belum-belum :to be anxious of what is going to happen
Benar-benar, betul-betul :to be madly, truly, deeply
Bengal, :bandel stubborn, obstinate, hard headed
Berbisik :to whisper
Berkenalan :to introduce yourself to someone; Hi, my name is John. Pleased to meet you. (shaking hands), hi, I am Memet.
Berkhayal, mengkhayalkan :to imagine
Berpacaran :dating, going with someone, seeing someone
Berpangku tangan :to be idle
Bersemangat untuk :to really put an effort to do something
Bersila :to sit cross legged on the floor
Bersin :to sneeze
Bertekuk lutut :to surrender
Bertolak pinggang :to put hands on waist
Biarin :let it be, leave it alone
Bicara ceplas-ceplos :to say things openly/bluntly without restraint
Bisu, tuna wicara :mute, speech impaired
Blak-blakan :to say things openly/bluntly without restraint
Bodoh :dum, stupid
Bodoh (umpatan) :moron, imbecile (insults)
Bosen :to be bored
Brengsek lu :you are annoying
BS - bayar sendiri-sendiri :to go Dutch (everyone pays their own meal)
BT - bete - butuh teman :lonely, needing a friend
Budek lu :did you hear what I said?
Budukan :skin rash
Buka puasa :the end of a fasting day
Bukan basa-basi :not to be polite or anything
Cari muka :to kiss up (brown-noser)
Cepek :100 in Chinese (in Indonesia)
Cespleng :to be effective (like medicine)
Cinta buta :love is blind
Cuci mata :sight seeing, window shopping
Cuek :does not care
Curhat :heart-to-heart talk
Dasar kamu nich :it is no surprise, it is expected of you
Dasar laki-laki mata keranjang :a womanizer
Dasar rese! :it is so annoying!
Dengan siapa ia berbicara
tentang hal itu? :with whom did he talk about it?
Dikitik-kitik :to be tickled
Dilarang ada di sini tanpa tujuan :no loitering
Dilarang buang sampah di sini :no littering
Diobok-obok :to be disturbed
Ditengarai :to be considered as
Doyan :to like, to be fond of
Duduk jegang :to sit cross-legged, one leg on the other knee, or, one knee up while sitting on a chair, to sit hugging the knees
Dukun bola :mascot
EGP - emangnye gua pikirin :whatever - I do not care
Ekonomi ngos-ngosan :economic slump
Ekspedisi :expedition
Etika muslimah berpakaian :Muslim women dress nor
Gadis impian, cewek idaman :imaginary diva
Gaptek (gape teknologi) :to be up to date with technology
Garing :dry
Genit :flirtatious
Gertak sambal :his bark is louder than his bite
Giliran :to take turns, next
Gitu aja kok repot :don’t sweat the small stuff everything is small stuff, it’s a piece of cake, it's so easy, there is nothing to it
Gokil :crazy!
Gombal - rayuan gombal :baloney
Gosong (memasak) :burnt (a burnt toast)
Gotong-royong :cooperation
GR :to have self esteem
Gregetan :to show strong emotion
Hakim anggota :a member of a judge in a panel of judges, appointed for special occasion
Hal itu kiranya tidak pada tempatnya :it is not proper
Hanyut :to drown, drowning
Harkat, martabat, derajat :honor
Hidung belang :womanizer
Hidung meler :runny, drippy nose
Hitam manis :a good looking dark skinned person
Hutang budi :an indebtedness, this cannot be repaid
Hutang emas :to borrow materials, this can be repaid
Ih, nggemesin banget sich! :aw, so cute (I want to crush you to pieces and eat you up!) usually said with much excitement
Ingin sekali :to long for something
Jaim, jaga image, jaga gengsi :to keep up with the Jones
Jangan kapok main ke sini ya? :please come visit again
Jangan sok poetis deh kamu :hey you, cut the silly nonsense!
Jatuh bangun :to struggle very hard, to work real hard at something
Jayuz :telling jokes that is not funny
Jebol :collapse, such as a wall, a dam, or revamping of something such as penjebolan hukum kolonial - to end the colonial laws
Jegang :to cross one's legs
Jomblo :someone who does not have a boyfriend or a girlfriend
Jumat malam :Friday evening
Justru :exactly, precisely
Kakak kelas :one grade higher in school
Kambing hitam :a scapegoat
Kangkung :water cress
Kapok :once bitten twice shy
Karena tak kenal maka tak cinta :don't knock it till you've tried it; to know you is to love you after all; grew to love
Kasih ibu sepanjang jalan,
kasih anak sepanjang galah :a mother's love is forever, a child's love is not so
Kasih saran ya :please give advice, okay?
Kasihan deh lu :poor thing, poor you
Kawin lari :to elope
Kebangetan :that is far out, that is unbelievable
Kebetulan sekali :by sheer coincidence
Kecele :I am sorry I thought you were someone else
Kekasih gelap :secret lover
Kelihatannya sore ini akan hujan :it looks like it is going to rain this afternoon
Kelompok cendekiawan :think tank
Kena batunya (rasain) :serves you right
Kepencut :to be attracted
Keseleo kaki :sprained ankle or foot
Keseleo lidah :a slip of the tongue
Kesemutan :one's leg is asleep
Ketabrak mobil dari belakang :to be rear ended
Ketar-ketir, dag-dig-dug :to be fearful of something, apprehensive
Ketawanya jangan kepaksa dong :please do not laugh if it is not funny
Kewalahan :to have bitten more than one can chew
Kikuk :awkward
Kode etik :ethical code
Kongkalikong :to be in cahoots to do a bad thing,to conspire
Kruel-kruel :growling sound
Krupuk kulit :chips, rind
Kualat :cursed, damned
Kuda binal :a wild horse
Kuper, kurang pergaulan :very narrow minded due to lack of communication skills
Kutilan :to have warts
Lancang :to step out of line
Lari seperti dikejar setan :to run as if chased by a ghost
Laris :to sell briskly, everyone is buying
Lengang :quiet and deserted
Lenggang-lenggok :to sashay across the cat walk
Lesehan :to have a meal on a mat on the floor
Lesung pipit :dimple (on cheek), cleft (on chin on men)
Lintah darat :loan shark
Lu ada acara malam ini, nggak? :are you free tonight? (between close friends, otherwise, it may be too impolite; better to say - when could you be with us? - and let them decide when)
Mabuk-mabukan, minum-minum :to have a drinking party (alcohol)
Magang :to intern, an intern
Mak comblang :a match maker
Malam Jumat :Thursday evening
Malu-malu kucing :to be shy
Malu-maluin :to bring shame
Mandi madu :to have a honey bath (spa)
Manyun :disappointed, and pouting
Mata duitan :to love money
Mata keranjang :roving eyes
Mau datang ke rumah hari Jumat? :would you like to come over on Friday?
Mau menang sendiri :to be controlling, to feel always right
Mau tau aja lu :why are you so curious? what is it to you?
Melahirkan :to give birth to
Melempem :not crunchy or crispy anymore, unproductive
Meleng :not paying attention on the road, to look sideways to be inattentive
Membatasi :to curb
Memble :having a bad mood, or needing a friend, or an old broken machine
Membuat janji, janjian :to make an appointment
Memelet cowok, atau cewek :to attract a guy or girl through magic spells
Mempan :vulnerable
Mencurigakan :a kind of sketchy part of town; a kind of sketchy guy
Mendamprat :to scold
Mengecil :to shrink
Menggigil :to shiver due to cold weather
Menggondol :to go away with the price
Menguap :to yawn
Menjampi-jampi :to use magic spells
Mensosialisasikan peraturan
perusahaan kepada karyawan :to practice company regulations to fit local workers' condition such as cuti haid or leave for women who have their periods
Merecoki :to fuss over, to bother
Mereka bisa, kenapa saya tidak bisa? :if they can do it, why cannot I?
Merinding karena angker :to be scared because of a ghost, a scary sound or apparition in a haunted to be spooked up
Merusak suasana :a fly in the ointment
Mimpi kali yee! :only in your dreams, dream on, it
Minggir dong :watch out; move over!; excuse me!
Minta geser sedikit :could you move over a little
Minta maaf atas kesalahan yang
lumayan fatal :please forgive me for a big mistake
Mo tau aja, lu :you are just too curious
Mobil ini punya siapa? :Whose car is this?
Mohon diri, mohon pamit :to say goodbye
Naksir :to have a crush on someone
Nasi rames :steamed white rice with appropriate dishes: sayur lodeh, ayam goreng, pepes ikan, bergedel, krupuk udang,sambel bajak, sayur kare, emping mlinjo, semur ayam, acar campur
Ngacir :to leave abruptly without saying goodbye
Ngalor-ngidul :to be in disarray and no organization no consensus
Ngambek :to sulk
Ngeres :very sad
Ngeres :a very sad, sob story, wrenching tale
Nggak gaptek :unwilling to embrace new technology or move forwards, being backwards
Nggak juga sih :not so much
Nggak suka :not my cup of tea
Ngiler :to drool or to want something real bad
Nglilir :to stir up from sleep
Ngos-ngosan :to be out of breath (from running)
Niat :a strong determination to fast, strong will
Nirlaba :non profit organization
Nongkrong :to hang out, to sit around doing nothing
Norak :against the common norms
Nungging :to bend down, backside up
Obat ini mempan sekali, manjur :this medicine is very effective
Oleh-oleh :items brought over from a trip, or from a farm harvest
Onde-onde :fried sesame ball
Ongkang-ongkang :to relax, to sit back and do nothing
Otak udang :stupid, small brains

Pamali :taboo
Pandai bergaul :good communication skills
Pantesan :oh, no wonder
Parno abis :very terrified (maybe a duplicate)
Parno abis deh :very terrified, petrified with fear or worry
Patah hati :broken hearted
PD - percaya diri :self confidence
PD abis :strong self confidence
PDKT - pendekatan :saying nice things to someone like 'you look nice today' to get to know someone better
Pedagang asongan :street peddler
Pedagang kaki lima :street vendor
Pemakaian kata who, whom
dan whose, contoh-contohnya :The man, whom I love and respect, is my father; Di sini 'who' bisa juga dipakai.
:The woman, whose son is named Ali, is actually our neighbor.
Peminta-minta :a beggar
Pendiam :an introvert
Pengamen :street musician
Pengejawantahan :the appearance of
Pengemis :a pan handler
Penggaruk :a scraper, a rake, a scratcher
Pengin muntah :to feel sick
Pengin sekali menang :a killer instinct to win
Penyelundupan :smuggling
Peribahasa :proverb: the longest ourney begins with a single step
Perjaka ting-ting :a virgin male
Perlengkapan bayi :baby layette
Perpeloncoan :hazing
Perut keroncongan :growling stomach due to hunger
Pesantren :an Islamic school and dormitory
Plesetan :word games, a play on words, pun
Plin-plan :wishy-washy
Polisi tidur :street humps to prevent speeding cars
Psikiater :a shrink, a psychiatrist
Puisi, syair, pantun :poem, poetry, verse
Pulang kampung, mudik :to go home to one's hometown

Ragu-ragu :to hesitate, to be in doubt
Randa kempling :a young widow
Rasa kikuk, janggal :like a fish out of the water
Rasain :serves you right, you deserve it
Rem itu pakem (makan) :very responsive brakes
Rese :very annoying
Rindu :to miss someone
Risih :to feel uncomfortable
Sambal :hot pepper sauce
Sambal-sambalan :various kinds of hot pepper sauces
Sampaikan salam saya kepada :please give my regards to …
Saya lagi nggak mood
ngomong sama kamu :I do not feel like talking to you right now
Sebagai seekor burung pungguk
yang merindukan bulan :to have very high expectations
Sebel :not nice
Sehidup-semati :till death do us part
Selamat Hari Raya Idulfitri :Idulfitri mubarak, Happy Idulfitri
Selamatkan :to save
Selamatkan bumi kita :save our planet
Semau gue :I will do as I please, whatever I like
Sensasi :sensation, sensational
Senyuman maut :a killer smile
Serak-serak basah :throaty, hoarse, husky voice
Serigala berbulu domba :wolf in sheep's clothing
Setengah mati :lingering between life and death or a very hard struggle
Sewot :angry, to be cross, to be grouchy
Siapa yang bisa saya ajak bicara? :with whom can I talk about it?
Siapa yang ketinggalan dompet di
kelas? :who left a wallet in the class room?
Simpan uang ini :please save this money
Sinting :crazy, nutty person
Sok :arrogance
Sok jagoan, ugal-ugalan :a hotshot
Sok kenal sok dekat (SKSD) :someone who is too friendly after just being introduced :Sok tahu
smart alleck, mr. know-it-all :Sop buntut
oxtail soup :Suara serak-serak basah
husky, throaty, hoarse voice :Sudah banyak makan asam garam
an experienced person
Sujud :to show respect and honor to the elders
Sumpah mati :I swear to God, cross my heart and hope to die
Sunatan :a circumcision
Syukur, untunglah :thank goodness
Tabrak lari :hit and run
Tabu :taboo
Tak tunggu ngantek cengklungen :to wait for a very long time
Tangan kiri :left hand
Tanggal muda :just got paid, pay day
Tanggal tua :to be broke
Tedeng aling-aling :camouflage, pretense
Tega-teganya :so inhumane, heartless
Telur mata sapi :fried egg, sunny side up
Teman saya dan saya :my friend and I
Terapi :therapy
Tergila-gila :to be crazy over someone or something
Termakan isu :to be swayed by an issue, to be strongly influenced by an issue
Terpojok dalam keadaan bahaya :jeopardized, to be in jeopardy
Tersendat-sendat :inconsistent, unstable, changeable
Terseok-seok :to struggle when walking
Tertawa terpingkal-pingkal :to laugh that evil laugh, to cackle
Tetek bengek :a variety of items
Tidak apa-apa :no big deal, it is okay, it is alright
Tidak mempan :invulnerable
Tidur-tiduran :lying around - to lounge around
Titip :to ask someone to do you a favor such as to bring a letter from you to someone else
Tongpes (kantong kempes) :to be flat broke
Tumben :surprisingly;it is surprising that you come, that you called, that you contact us (something which has not been happening for a while)
Tumpang sari :intercrop planting system
Tumpeng :saffron rice served for special occasion
Tunggang-langgang :to run as fast as you can, like a bat out of hell, run for your life; rough and tumble, haphazard
Uang anakan :interest (payment)
Uang panas :hot money, illegal money
Ugal-ugalan :mischievous; very uncouth, no manner
Ujian sulit :a killer exam
Ukuran :size
Urunan :to chip in, to contribute some money
wira-wiri :to and fro
Ya ampun :oh my goodness
Zakat :alms (religious), tithe, offering

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